Flights to UAE have been active during lockdown phase 3… Only 1 problem! In order for the relocation of AVI(live animals) to be accepted into the UAE, a new annexure was necessary for acceptance.
The new requirement required endorsement from the South African Government Vet, stating that pets had not come into any contact with anyone affected by COVID-19 in the 14 days preceding travel, understandably this is a very arduous responsibility and requirement, it would be nigh impossible for a Government Vet to verify that the pet had not been out on a walk and had been in contact by a COVID-19 person.
Government State Veterinarians in South Africa made the decision that because this request was not measurable they would not sign off, resulting in a complete halt in Pet Relocation to the UAE.
Fear NOT!
A way forward for shipment of pets to the UAE with the COVID-19 annexure compliance has been created. We thank the Department of Agriculture in South Africa, for their concerted and extended efforts to ensure they reached a protocol to allow export of dogs and cats to the UAE again.
QUESTION: What is required for the new COVID-19 annexure?
- The pet must undergo 14 days isolation with a registered government pre-export facility OR on the premises of a registered private vet facility in the case of the latter, the private vet must isolate the pet and must attest to this.
- The attached document MUST be completed on an official letter head of either the government registered pre-export facility OR on the letterhead of the private registered vet on who’s premises the pet has been isolated for 14 days.
- The South African State-vets will then endorse the corresponding official UAE covid-19 annexure. Protocol has been set for the Government State-vet to cross-out the covid-19 section on the annexure, affix the certificate number on both annexures and link the VHC and both annexures by numbering/referencing so that it becomes one.
There are 2 Government registered pre-export quarantine premises in South Africa. Our partner kennels and cattery in Johannesburg on the same premises as PETport, BKC Pet are a registered pre-export quarantine facility.
Tel: 0027 (0) 11 965 6419
email: [email protected]
As always we at PETport endeavour keeping you informed and updated on all; regulations, airline carrier status, flight routings and industry news. Contact our team for all your Pet Relocation needs.