Tips to help your Fur Babies deal with the Guy Fawkes Fireworks.

Tips to help your Fur Babies deal with the Guy Fawkes Fireworks

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GUYFAWKES! Is it still a thing?  Surely not during 2020!

But just in case,

Cities across South Africa have banned fireworks only allowing for certain occasions like New Years, Diwali and Guy Fawkes.

Our Fur Kids have incredible hearing capabilities compared to us that will make these occasions an unpleasant experience for them.

To prevent stress on your Fur Kid as well as risking them running away, here are some tips for getting through fireworks.

  • Avoid your Fur Kids being outside! If you can have your Fur Babies indoors this will prevent your Fur Kid running away.
  • If your Fur Kids are outside kids, try to cover their outside pen/kennel with blankets, but allow them an open space in and out.
  • Create hiding spaces for them inside your home.
  • Do not shut them in a confined area.
  • Draw curtains and close your windows.
  • Avoid picking them up unnecessarily, or coaxing them as this will cause more stress. ( Feline Kids especially)
  • ACT NORMAL, your Fur Baby runs off your emotions, if you are freaking out, chances they will too.
  • TV and Radio helps with drowning out the noise.


We hope these tips and tricks won’t be needed, but just in case, PETport’s got you!

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